So is Kevin Bacon!  The duo have been spotted in the  Boston Commons and Charlestown.  Some Bostonians have even been victim to Bacon’s famous “shoot backs” where he turns the camera on unsuspecting fans and blasts their pic out via Twitter.

While I’m sure they are enjoying their visit to our fabulous city, they aren’t just here for the chowder and Red Sox.  They are shooting scenes for their film R.I.P.D. which is set to hit theaters June 28, 2013.  No, not a typo – 2013.

R.I.P.D. stands for the Rest in Peace Department, a film about dead cops who continue to fight crime in their after life.  We’re not sure if this is a comedy or drama, but I’m not holding my breath until 2013.  In the mean time, I will just continue to be hungry for Ryan Reynolds,…I mean Boston!